Our blog is very narrative-heavy and not very thought-heavy, so here are some thoughts.
I am so excited to be moving to Kentucky. I'm nervous that I won't be able to find a job and that I won't make any friends, but that fear is tiny compared to the volume of my excitement! Jason is going to do great; I may be biased, but he is so smart and capable. Grad school should be an awesome experience for him.
Sometimes I can't believe I ended up with such an amazing husband. It seems impossible that we have been married for almost an entire year. From the very beginning, when Jason met my parents at Hannah's prom (which is weird), I was surprised by how well he fit in with my family; it is almost like he's never not been around. I like to think I fit into his family too, because I sure like them a lot.
I love DC a lot, but today I had an overwhelming desire to drive somewhere far away from civilization and be alone (not totally alone; Jason can come with me). I miss the mountains and being able to sit in almost complete silence and just think. Wilderness is good for my mental health.
Enough. I'm finishing those last 105 words.
Well, with one week left you just had to write a post that made me cry. Amanda Pullan Frost, you are so loved by us and our entire family (remember how Grandma Funny cried when she said "welcome to our family") and we are so proud of the two of you. Things will work out in Kentucky because the Lord's hand has been involved in all that has transpired for you two in the last year. Perhaps our trip to the DC temple will provide some of the quiet you yearn for...and then you'll be back among the mountains in 8 more days. We can't wait to see you later today!