Wow, today was kind of a tough day! I didn't think I would feel so torn about leaving my internship. Jason was also sad to leave. We both had busy/productive last days. Jason's supervisor took him out to eat at Rock Bottom (which we like a lot) and I went to Good Stuff Eatery with some of my co-workers. I tried Michelle's Melt and it may be my new favorite! Yum. I also sampled the toasted marshmallow shake for the first time: so rich, but so delicious.

So I was just searching for a photo of the toasted marshmallow shake and discovered its recipe online! There is also a recipe for the Obamaburger! Thank you, Oprah, for sharing!
We went out to dinner with Jason's old roommate Chad tonight, which was a lot of fun. He drove us home from Alexandria, which was also surprisingly fun; the monuments are so beautiful at night. I am glad we haven't had a car out here, but it might be nice to know what some parts of the area look like above ground.
Now I'm kind of cleaning and Jason is writing his paper for tomorrow. I can't believe we'll turn in the last assignments of our undergraduate careers in approximately nine hours! It's incredibly strange/satisfying. Only one more day of posting on this blog and then the Frosts will not be in Washington anymore. I've started another blog for us; this one's not private, so you won't need a password to access it. It's Creative, I know. I tried to think of something creative with "Frosts" and "Bluegrass State," but it was a lost cause.
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