I know my mom and dad came almost two weeks ago and that I've already written a little bit about their trip, but I finally loaded some pictures (using the downstairs computers at the Barlow Center)!!
This is right after we went to the Supreme Court. Note the glorious weather. (FYI: tomorrow is supposed to be eighty degrees! I hear there is snow in Utah...)
Here we are on the east side of the Capitol.
Mom and me!

Kind of a cool shot of the Capitol.

Mom and Dad riding the awesome underground train from the Senate office buildings to the Capitol. This is not an April Fool's Day joke; there is really an underground train. It's awesome.
On the second full day of their visit, we went to the National Mall and checked out some of the monuments. This is from the new World War II Memorial.
Jason's artistic picture of the dome. I like it.
Jason, Mom, and me at the WWII Memorial.
I guess they picked a good week for protests! Here's the first one; it was kind of a "pick your cause" march, where people carried signs about peace, war, schools, health care, and an array of other hot-button issues.
Police on ponies monitoring the protesters.
The next day, we went to Capitol Hill after stake conference. This is before we ran into the hoards of peaceful marchers.
Another artsy photo of the dome.
Jason and I went and hung out with the pro-health care folks (Catholics for Health Care, specifically) for a while (they seemed less violent than the Tea Partiers). At one point, a woman asked Jason where she could get some water because he looked like "a Washington-type who was in charge."
We thought there were a lot of health care protesters...until we went to the west side of the Capitol and discovered many thousands of immigration marchers. This is where our trip got really interesting.
Doesn't Jason look all Congress-y here? That's what all the protesters thought!
"Did you vote yet?"
More Capitol. Beautiful building!
Congressman Frost, Mom, and I near a pretty Magnolia tree. At least, I think it was a Magnolia tree.
I really like this picture. I wish I looked like I had hair, though.
This is looking up at the Capitol from the mall after the marchers had moved to the other side. You can still see some of the set-up from the pre-march activities. We also got to hear a rendition of "This Land is Your Land" in Spanish. If you want to hear it, talk to my Dad!
I'm glad to finally have these pictures posted. We sure had a great time with my parents (and with just Dad the next week) and are looking forward to seeing Jason's Mom and Dad in a week! We'll be home in 17 days and then we can see all the rest of you also!
I feel like I should have put up some hilarious April Fool's Day joke on our blog. Oh well.
I forgot to write that I saw the Vice-President's motorcade on Tuesday.
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