The walk over was fraught with peril. Many of the side streets have still not been plowed and the sidewalks are either covered with snow/ice or four inches of slush. Jason took the above picture on our walk; I guess the newspaper holders weren't made for snow.
This is in Georgetown. After breakfast, we grabbed some stuff at CVS and bought some thank you cards from Barnes and Noble. Look how deep the snow is!

We bought our airline tickets to return to Utah today. We'll fly in on April 17th in the evening. Graduation is the next week on Thursday and Friday. It seems crazy that we are almost halfway through our DC adventure.
This is about a block from our house. On the way back from breakfast, Jason helped some guys who had gotten their car stuck in the middle of the road right here. The picture is kind of tiny, but the snow in the road is still pretty deep.
We purchased some groceries today, but didn't want to venture out too much in the snow. Crossing the street is especially difficult, and people drive pretty badly.
This is the little tiny cake I made for Jason's birthday. I was excited to discover cake mixes at Trader Joe's last week, but realized today that the mix made an 8"x8" cake. It's a good thing, because we would never be able to eat an entire normal-sized cake. I thought about trying to decorate the cake like an overhead map of the District of Columbia (turned diagonally, of course, like a diamond), but didn't have any decorating stuff, so I stuck with the always-versatile semi-sweet chocolate chips.
What the cake may have lacked in size, it surely made up for in taste. I thought it was very tasty.
Jason with his presents. (The things in his left hand are cuff links, not earrings).
The birthday man enjoying his cake.

Hooray for self-timers on cameras. This took two tries.
Happy birthday Jason! You're quite wonderful.
Today was a great day, made even more great by the fact that the Federal government is closed tomorrow too! I think we're going to run to the gym and maybe try to hit some national monuments; all the museums are closed and the metro is unreliable in this weather, so getting out to see things is a bit difficult. Work may be cancelled on Wednesday as well; we're supposed to get 10-16" of snow on Tuesday night. I love the east coast attitude toward snow!
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