Today we took our neighbors (The Holbeins) on a tour of the Capitol. I know we've already posted pictures of this glorious building, but here are more. I just think it's awesome!
We also ate at Good Eats again. This time, Jason and I indulged in a Milky Way shake. Wow! Best shake I have ever had. Anyone who comes to visit can partake of one with us sometime; I'm already looking for excuses to go back...
Anyway, here are todays pics. In Statuary Hall (a.k.a. The Old House Chamber) there are plaques marking the location of desks that belonged to Representatives who eventually became President (or who came back after being President, John Quincy Adams!).
Here is Abe Lincoln's plaque.

Statuary Hall.

A cool flag in a stairwell. This is the same stairwell that the President takes out to the West Portico when he gives his inaugural address.

Looking the other way up the same stairwell and into the rotunda. Every time I walk into the rotunda, I am in awe. It's an incredible place.

This is the Small Senate Rotunda. The chandelier is pretty stellar. There's a rumor floating around that it is from the Titanic or
Phantom of the Opera, but neither are true. It hung in a church and a theatre before moving to the Capitol.

We stumbled upon this stained glass window in the House side corridors.

This is part of the ceiling of the House corridors. If you look closely, Hartford is identified on the map. I wonder who took this picture...

What have you done this time, Jason?!

The Brumidi Corridors. To see the Corridors, you usually have to go on a separate tour. It's fun to go on staff-led tours because you can sort of explore and spend as much time as you want in the different rooms.

Great view out to the west.

I sure love the Capitol. I'm going to miss being able to spend time here!

It was a nice day. I think we're going to go to the grocery store now. We're also listening to the basketball game. I think BYU is going to beat Wyoming. Mariel: send me pictures from your dance!
here is the Salt Lake Tribune article about the party we went to last night.
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