Saturday, February 13, 2010

Planes, trains, and automobiles

We left our house yesterday at 5:30 a.m. and took the subway (one train change) to Union Station. From there, we took the MARC train to BWI. It was amazing; at one point, ours was the only train on the board that hadn't been cancelled. Whew! We made it to BWI with plenty of time (read: 3 hours) to spare, so we had some breakfast and Jason took a wee nap. Our plane left right on time, and 45 minutes later we were in CT. It was a great flight, except for the very rough landing. The day was very clear, so we had a fantastic view of New York City as we flew over.
Grandpa Bill picked us up at the airport and took us to Suffield. We had delicious baked macaroni and cheese for lunch and spent some time with Grandma Funny and Grandpa Bill. Later, we went to East Harford. We went with Mom & Dad Frost to a concert in Andover, MA, last night, then came home and watched the Olympic opening ceremonies. I fell asleep before it ended, but I hear Wayne Gretzky lit the torch.
Jason went with Dad to a spinning class this morning which was...eventful. More on that later. I stayed home because I'm not feeling quite 100%; I have a little head cold, I think. We just had breakfast and are going to go to Carraba's for dinner. Jason's cousin Jen works there, so we'll get to see her before we leave.
More later! We are glad to have gotten here safely and are having a blast.


  1. i see you use the oxford comma. i have become less fond of it myself over the years. anyway, get better amanda and you two keep enjoying yourselves!

  2. a) I imagine Jason's "wee nap" was actually quite long since you had a few hours in the airport. He is a typical Frost man, so that is not surprising. They fall asleep anywhere.

    b) Do tell about the spinning class. Sounds like there must be a funny story there...
