We just received word that tomorrow is a liberal leave/2 hour delay day for the Federal government. However, this means nothing for us since we usually have class on Fridays. We are still waiting to hear on whether or not our flight is canceled. BWI initially canceled all incoming and outgoing Southwest flights for Thursday, but later PM flights ended up getting through. Cross your fingers for us; we really don't want to miss a chance to see the Frosts.
We woke this morning to the sounds of a bobcat (I think this is a bobcat?) moving snow from the road. While I am not accustomed or inclined to be awakened in this fashion, I was nonetheless delighted to see that the road was being cleared. Only problem: now the sidewalks are covered/impassable.
I think it's interesting that they haul the snow away in big trucks; the Utahns I know would laugh at that prospect.
Chess update:
Jason 6
Amanda 3
Quick plane update: As of 9:19 p.m., our plane is scheduled to depart on time!!!
All my fingers and my toes are crossed. I'd cross my eyes, too, but I have more work to do. SEE YOU TOMORROW!!!!!!!!