...thrilling pictures from the American History museum.
I guess now we know where to settle: Frostburgh.
Jason trying his hand at an inauguration speech. "Ask not..."
Look! It's a train.
Julia Child and I, the best of chums.
Jason with some Berlin Wall. The wars section was definitely our favorite. I wish I had gotten a picture of the really awesome TV display showing stuff about Vietnam; it was interesting.
Today we taught Sharing Time ("Prophets are called of God.") and had a wonderful testimony meeting. We also found out--to our disappointment--that we'll be having Stake Conference while my parents are out here. We really wanted them to come to our ward :(
This afternoon, we went to dinner at the McClellands. It was really fun to see them again; it feels like it's been a long time. We loved getting out of the district and into a real house! Thanks guys!
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