Our briefings today were in the Rayburn House office building. Let me just say, the House buildings are not nearly as cool as the Senate buildings (perhaps I'm a tiny bit biased, though)! We heard from Representative Jim Matheson who was awesome; I like him a lot. He had some really cogent ideas about health care reform and wore cowboy boots. For those of you West Wing buffs out there, the cowboy boots slightly reminded me of Bingo Bob Russell (Season 6?), but in a good way. Wow, that was some byzantine syntax. We had half an hour of class before our next briefers: the Kings. Sister King works for Nancy Pelosi and is head of the House Office of Interparliamentary Affairs and Brother King is the United States Ambassador to North Korea re: Human Rights. Both of them were really interesting. After they spoke, we had another half hour of class, then were released for the day. We got home around 2:00 p.m. and had some long-needed lunch (leftovers!). I meant to go grocery shopping today, but that didn't happen; it's been really rainy and I did not love the idea of trudging home with huge bags of food in the deluge.
Hmmm...BYU plays tonight, but I think the game starts at 9:30 PM, which means 11:30 PM our time. That might be just a little late for me.
I thought I'd try to load our mysteriously incompatible pictures from the FDR Memorial and they STILL won't load. Actually, let me clarify: they load like this.
Wait! These worked. Weird. This is Jason and I near the tidal basin on the way back from the Jefferson Memorial almost two weeks ago!
This is me with Thomas Jefferson's statue. My eyes look closed, but I determined on closer inspection that I am just squinting.
Jason by the tidal basin. Check out the Washington Monument in the background; I'll wager my picture-taking skills are improving! What a good lookin' man.

I thought I'd try to load our mysteriously incompatible pictures from the FDR Memorial and they STILL won't load. Actually, let me clarify: they load like this.
Wait! These worked. Weird. This is Jason and I near the tidal basin on the way back from the Jefferson Memorial almost two weeks ago!
Nice pictures! I hope Jason is feeling better. Rich invited people over to see the game....I'm not sure if I'll be able to stay up that late...maybe I should go take a nap.