Sunday, March 14, 2010

Comparison shopping

One year for Christmas, my brother Grant bought me a cookbook. When selecting said gift at the bookstore, he and my father were faced with an array of potential choices. They decided to compare the possibilities across the board by checking each book for three randomly selected types of recipes: brownies, pancakes, and plantains. Theoretically, the book that featured all three (or the best combination of the three) would make the best gift. Well, it worked, and the cookbook I received has been my go-to cookbook for the last few years--though I cannot claim to have ever explored the plantain recipes.
Anyway, I thought I would put together a similar collection of information regarding the two schools to which Jason has been accepted.

Seton Hall
Mascot: Pirate
Location: South Orange, New Jersey
Number of people we know from South Orange: 0
Most expensive bookstore item: $72 silk tie
Distance to Disney World: 18 hours 48 minutes
Distance to DC: 4 hours 13 minutes

University of Kentucky
Mascot: Wildcat
Location: Lexington, Kentucky
Number of people we know from Lexington: 2
Most expensive bookstore item: $98 tote bag (after looking at a picture of the tote, I really hope this price is a doesn't look worth it!)(I should also note that UK also sells a $72 silk tie)
Distance to Disney World: 13 hours 4 minutes
Distance to DC: 8 hours 35 minutes

Maybe I'll try to find more interesting comparative data later.
Tonight we went to the Kennedy Center to see my amazing cousin Julia's quartet. Thanks to Aunt Amy, we had prime seats. The music was stellar; we were definitely impressed.
We had pepperoni-pepper-onion-pineapple-ricotta-tomato pizza for dinner (made with Trader Joe's pizza dough--lazy, I know) and then talked to our respective families. It's been a good Sabbath.

Oh, and in case anyone was wondering about our sacrament meeting musical number debut, we were awesome. Well, I started before everyone at this one part, which was semi-embarrassing. We were also supposed to have four couples singing, but one couple forgot it was daylight savings time, so they missed out. Overall: not too shabby.

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