1. Jason received an advance copy of the IAF publication that he edited and it looks awesome.
2. I was asked to stay after at work today to screen calls for a tele-townhall meeting. Here's how such a thing works: a third-party company who designed the tele-townhall software dials the numbers of constituents in Utah. The constituents answer the phone and hear a recording inviting them to the town hall meeting. If they want to ask a question, they push 1 (or something). Then, I would answer the call using my computer hooked up to my telephone (all very technical). After hearing their questions, I would send them through to the Senator. It was really a neat experience! A woman I work with drove me home so I wouldn't have to take the Metro at 8:30 p.m., which was very kind.
3. I got through the first/second stage of the Teach For America application process. FYI: Teach for America is a program where college graduates teach school in low-income areas for two years and then emerge licensed educators. Today I learned that I won't have to have a phone interview (thank goodness!), but will go straight to the in-person interview. Hurray!
4. At the tele-townhall meeting, we had dinner, which included Cape Cod brand chips: Jason's favorite. I had to bring some home for him.
5. Free bagels at work today!
6. On Thursday, Jason will be on the Hill delivering the publication he helped edit to the House offices and we'll probably get to have lunch together!
7. Best part of the whole day: I arrived home and Jason had bought me some very pretty flowers. It was a very good day.
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