We went to church on Sunday in the DC 3rd ward. It was amazing. My dad attended the ward while he was out here on business and really enjoyed it, so we were excited to attend. The ward meets in a converted walk-up apartment in Columbia Heights, so the building is not very big. There were folding chairs next to the benches to accommodate more people. The members are really diverse; most are French-speaking West Africans. On Sunday, three confirmations were performed during Sacrament Meeting, which was really neat. Afterward, all the visitors (including us) got to stand up and introduce themselves (still in the chapel). I was surprised by the number of visitors; it is unusual for there to be visitors in most Utah wards (especially our most recent married ward), but there were probably ten people visiting the ward for the first time. One visitor even bore her testimony, which was neat. We will supposedly have callings by next Sunday and are so excited to serve.
After church, a former-BYU-student couple invited us to their apartment for dinner (along with the other Washington Seminar marrieds and a few other couples from the ward). It was a blast (and a good thing, because I forgot we needed taco seasoning for the taco soup we were planning to eat for Sunday dinner). We feel so welcome already!!
This is Jason in front of the Supreme Court building. Our orientation ended early yesterday, so we got to do some more exploring. We went to Georgetown (no pictures yet, but we will take some! Georgetown is beautiful!) and rode the Circulator bus to the middle of the city. On the way home, we stopped at Target (it's amazing how everything is accessible via metro), then ate macaroni and cheese for supper.

Dad Frost: we used your black strainer yesterday. Thank you very much for letting us borrow it!
Last picture for today: Jason took this yesterday while we were exploring. He's becoming quite the stellar photographer. Because it is so cold, I have been wearing my coat everywhere and, consequently, in every picture. I promise that I change the clothes underneath :)

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