Highlights of today:
1. We went to Julia's concert at the Kennedy Center and it was AWESOME. All of the featured musicians are National Symphony Orchestra youth fellows and are very talented. It was also fun to see Aunt Amy and Uncle Mark and to spend some time in the Kennedy Center. Aunt Amy told us they have half-price tickets for students after 6:00 p.m. for most concerts, so we may have to look into that (because there's no way we can go if the tickets are full price!)
2. I went to Senate Library training and Congressional Research Service training today, both of which were highly informative. In the library, they have copies of the every legislative day's events dating back to something like 1871! Part of the tour included some archives, where there are moving shelves like in the BYU periodicals section. Apparently no other Utah university library has such contraptions, because all the other interns were floored by the shelving. One more reason to go to the Y...
3. We are cleared for a White House tour next Saturday morning!!!
4. During dinner, we thought we heard a police car start its sirens outside our apartment. It turned out to be a fire alarm, apparently set off by a singles dinner group upstairs. Good thing it wasn't a real fire.
5. The weather is warmer!
6. My red badge that practically screams "INTERN!" was hidden behind my coat when I was coming in front lunch and the fellow in front of my at security asked if I was "there to lobby also?" Someone thought I was a lobbyist! I don't want to be a lobbyist, but it is a professional, adult job and I'm rarely (read: never!) mistaken for a professional adult. People usually think I'm younger than Mariel.
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