The best news of today is that we received two packages in the mail! The mail came really late today, so we didn't actually get the packages until approximately twenty minutes ago. We'll start with the first, less-exciting package from Amazon.

Notice how Jason is the one operating the knife here. He still has his totin' chip!
The package contained all this good stuff: granola bars, two kinds of tasty chili, peanut butter cookie mix, rice, the works!
I am also excited about the cinnamon; I've been longing for a good cinnamon roll ever since we arrived and now we can make some. Hurray!
It contained three books, including these two:
We've read all the books that we brought with us and aren't allowed to check anything out of the George Washington University library. I technically have permission to remove volumes from the Senate library, but it is very small and unless I'm interested in reading back issues of Congressional Quarterly (which, actually, I would probably be a more well-informed human being if I did so), I'm out of luck. The book on the left is for Jason so he can change the world, and the one on the left is for me so I can pretend to know more about economics.
Now for the more exciting package; it's from the Frosts!
Probably my favorite inclusion was the crushed red pepper. Jason makes fun of me because (when we're at home and it's available) I eat it on everything. Thank you guys so much!!!!!!!
We had class a little later than usual this morning and heard from two good speakers. The first was a political appointee from the Bush administration who now heads the Eagle Forum. The next one was Elder Hardy, a member of the sixth Quorum of the Seventy who also happens to be a DC lawyer/lobbyist. Both were very interesting.
Our neighbors invited us over for tacos tonight and then we watched a couple of West Wing episodes. Now we're at home, we just got off the phone with my parents, and the apartment is still cold. I hope this problem gets fixed soon. Thankfully, tomorrow we are going downtown to tour the White House and perhaps hit a museum, so we will likely be in slightly warmer buildings for most of the day.
We love you all! Thanks for the package!!
Glad you got your package! The rice is standard long grain rice...2 cups of water to 1 cup of rice, bring to a boil and then simmer for 12-15 minutes. (sometimes I put 2 1/2 c of water to 1 cup of rice.) The green chiles go with one of the soup mixes. If you've never tried the instant'll be surprised. Grandma Funny told me about them and when you are pushed for time they are a great substitute for real ones:) Have fun at the White House tour....we'll be watching for pictures later tonight!