Today I took part in Ethics training at the Senate. Hurray! The almost-two-hour training could have potentially been condensed into two key concepts:
1. Don't accept gifts from anyone.
2. Don't talk to lobbyists.
I guess that's not really fair; some of the information would have been very pertinent to Senators or senior staff, but since no one has asked me to sit on a board or accept an honorary doctorate or accompany them on an all-expenses-paid trip to Bermuda lately, I think my two concepts would have sufficed. If anyone has any questions about what you can and can't do in the Senate, I'm your girl :)
I also got to go on my second tour of the capitol today. Last time, we skipped the Brumidi Corridor, but not this time! The murals are so beautiful.

I remember going on a Capitol tour with my family when I was probably eight years old, but I do not remember anything except the "whisper spot" in the old House Chamber (where the acoustics are such that you can whisper from one side of the room and be heard on the other side) and that Adam was in a cumbersome stroller. It is exciting to get to spend so much time at the Capitol!!
Jason also had a good day at work. I should make him post something sometime.
Ooooo. I must say that the whisper spot is the only thing I really remember from my visit to the capitol when I was 17. That and the fact that when you stand under the chandelier in the center they tell you to expect that it will come crumbling down in an earthquake any second as we are long overdue for some severe tremors...wait, that second one is the Utah State Capitol.