Our trip to Washington by the numbers...
Total number of Capitol tours for both of us combined: 5
Distance from the apartment to the White House: 1.1 miles
False fire alarms: 1
Books in our apartment (not including scriptures): 15
Motorcades witnessed by Amanda: 4
Car horn honks heard in the last 60 seconds: 6
Chinese restaurants within one mile of our apartment: 10
Number of times we have eaten Chinese food: 0
Distance from our apartment to the Pullan's house: 2,131 miles
Distance from our apartment to the Frost's house: 341 miles
Temperature outside right now: 46 degrees fahrenheit
Minutes until our lasagna is cooked: 41
I hope you all had a good Sunday! Hopefully we'll have more exciting news to report in the coming week. Jason's grad school applications should be done soon and we get to go to the temple on Saturday!! Hooray!
Oh I'm glad you'll get to go to the temple on Saturday....are you going on your own or with some other people?