Thursday, March 4, 2010

Frosts on the Hill

Jason and I both spent today on the Hill. He was delivering Congressional Budget Justifications to House offices and picked me up after work so we could metro home together. Don't you love how I just used "metro" as a verb; it's as though I'm a local or something!! In case you have any doubt, I also spend my time talking about how horrible public transportation is and the weather. Not really! I recognize that I have "Utah Tourist" written all over me and that DC-ers are far more complex than I just gave them credit for.
Moving on...
1. Jason and I went to a panel discussion on international security issues tonight, which featured high-ranking military officials from Jordan, Australia, Great Britain, Pakistan, Columbia, and Malaysia who are studying in the United States. It was really interesting and afterward we got to talk to the representative from Columbia for a while. He thought it was neat that Jason spoke Spanish.
2. We're both working on our enrichment papers for class tomorrow....wait, Jason just finished.
3. Today I saw Bob Bennett and he said "Good morning."
4. Tomorrow is Friday (which is sort of like Saturday)!
5. Tonight we had macaroni and cheese (from the box) and a frozen pizza for dinner--very nutritious.
6. We're supposedly singing in church in two Sundays with the other married couples in the Barlow Center. I think the last time I sang in a small group in sacrament meeting was when my family sang "The Iron Rod" together when I was four. (FYI: I still remember all the words to the song!)
7. Last night we had dinner with our neighbors and had the most delicious Chicken Artichoke casserole. Muy bien!

1 comment:

  1. You weren't able to have lunch together? Did Jason get to visit Sen. Hatch's office?
