Sunday, February 28, 2010

The internet is lame.

I am still having the hardest time loading these darn pictures. Here are the two that came through today.
Jason is a very artsy photographer. I like this one a lot.
Look! It's the most adorable dog ever committed to statuary!
Hopefully the other pictures will work soon!

Thomas and Franklin

I have tried several (hundred) times to get all of our pictures from yesterday onto the blog, but something is just not working. It's unfortunate, because the photos include a shot of me and the cutest statue dog in the world and Jason with a giant. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow.
Right now I can catch up on yesterday, though. We walked to the Jefferson Memorial (approximately 2.5 miles) and then came back through (inadvertently) the FDR Memorial. We didn't even realize he had a memorial, so it was an exciting revelation.
Without further ado, here are the five pictures that actually loaded.

We really enjoyed the TJ memorial. They were doing construction, which is kind of funny because I swear they were doing construction when I was here at age 8. Perhaps not, but that's what I remember. Anyway, it was a beautiful day and it was nice to get out of the apartment for a little while.
We walked back the other way, through the FDR memorial. I will post pictures of it later, I guess. It was cool--definitely not your typical stone wall or statue DC memorial (although it technically incorporates both of those elements in new and interesting ways)(and there's the cute dog statue).
Dave Frost alerted us to a website where we could watch the BYU vs. New Mexico game online, so we hurried home for the 4:00 PM tipoff. I think the game took years off my life--it was so intense! Afterward, we had dinner and Jason did our taxes.
Today after sacrament meeting we were asked to be the nursery-monitors for the day. There was only one little nursery-goer, a little gal named Tatiana. She didn't really talk--and when she did we thought she might be speaking French--but was pretty adorable. She liked playing telephone and waking Jason from his "nap" and baking us potato chips in the little kitchen. After church, our ward had another munch and mingle, which did not disappoint. Now we're chilling at the apartment, enjoying our Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


We forgot to write yesterday, which is funny because I had the little "New Post" dialogue box up for a really long time and just never put anything in it. Here's a concise recap of our yesterday.
10:00 am - 2:45 PM Class at the Millennium Challenge Corporation (where they claimed they had invented development principles utilized by the Inter-American Foundation for 50 years) and at the Barlow Center.
2:45 - 4:00 PM Menu planning/shopping at Trader Joe's. We are going to have some delicious food this week!
4:00 - 6:00 PM Read the newspaper, did the dishes, tried to do a crossword puzzle, made cookie dough for the ward munch and mingle on Sunday (for which we are decidedly excited. Our ward makes the best food in the world). The weather outside was frightful, so we stayed in for the afternoon.
6:00 - 6:35 PM Tried to decide where we wanted to go for dinner. I was craving some Fat Jack's cheese sticks, but DC boasts nothing of the sort. We ended up deciding on a place called Pete's New Haven Apizza (yes, there is an "a" at the beginning of pizza). It was the closest option to a metro stop AND the "New Haven" part of the name endeared the place to someone I know from Connecticut. We also enlisted our neighbors, Brittney and John, for the trip.
6:45 - 7:45 PM We traveled to Columbia Heights (one train transfer) and waited for a table at Pete's. It's apparently a very hoppin' place on Friday nights. On the way, we also saw some hooligans get arrested on the metro.
7:45 - 8:45 PM Enjoyed the tastiest pizza this side of the Mississippi. We ordered the Nighthawk, which consists of basil pesto, grilled chicken, carmelized onions, and mushrooms. Yum. Jason also had tasty soup (but he can't remember what kind it was) and I started off with a really good salad.
8:45 - 9:15 PM Hit Giant Supermarket for some of our grocery needs; Trader Joe's does not carry chopped green chiles. Don't worry: we stocked up.
We got home around 10:00 PM and watched a couple episodes of The West Wing before turning in. It was a very nice day.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

This close!

I was this close to finishing a darn crossword. Alas.
I arrived at work today around 8:55 a.m. and spent the next twenty minutes in the security line. We have to go through security to get into the building (which is nice and reassuring). Some people in line were tourists, but it seemed like there were a lot of little political lobbying groups there too. Anyway, it took forever and it was windy, so my hair took a little bit of a beating.
Jason had to run to the Government Printing Office today, so we could have had lunch together, but I didn't have my phone so I didn't know he was in the area. :(
At work today, I watched the live blogging of the health care summit all day long. Now at home we (read: I) am watching the live blogging of the women's figure skating medal round of the Olympics. We could go downstairs and watch it on NBC, but then we might have to battle someone for use of the television.
Our assignment that was supposed to be due tomorrow got pushed back to next Friday, so that's a nice thing. Tomorrow we have class until 2:30 p.m.-ish and then...we'll do something else. The weather is supposed to be cold and windy with potential snow tonight. No snowmageddon this time, though.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Listening to our Cougars beat SDSU... what we are doing right now. Well, we're also kind of doing homework. I don't think either activity is getting our complete attention. Later tonight we may run up to our neighbor's house for some birthday cake and ice cream.
Today was a good day. Jason went to a conference called "Mexico's Financial System and the Impact of the Global Reception." He didn't get lunch this time, but they did have coffee at registration. He had a good time and learned a lot AND brought home a documentary about Mexican migrants. We'll watch it tomorrow.
When I arrived at work this morning, someone (the intern coordinator, it turns out) had left tootsie rolls on all of the interns' desks. It was a nice surprise! After work, Jason and I made al pastor burritos with these amazing chipotle/jalapeno-flavored tortillas from Trader Joe's. Yum.
I'm in the middle of my first Amy Tan novel right now and am really enjoying it. It's crazy how much reading you can get done during a daily hour-long commute.
Well, I'm finished with my homework now, so I think I'll try to finish the Washington Post crossword puzzle (an as-of-yet-unrealized feat)(only because I have standards about using the Internet to cheat)(and often do other things instead of the crossword or fall asleep mid-clue) before cake and ice cream.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Things that happened on February 23

Highlights of today:
1. I met the Israeli Ambassador to the United States. He had a meeting with the Senator late this afternoon and the scheduler asked if I would go meet him in front of our building. I went out pretty early and spent 20-ish minutes very cold. The whole time I was waiting, I was worrying that I wouldn't be able to identify the ambassador, even though I had looked up his info+picture on the internet. Well, when a giant black car with "Diplomat" license plates drove up and a security guy hopped out, I put two and two together. I met and introduced myself to the ambassador and his staff and accompanied them inside. At security, the guard asked who he was, then informed me that he'd have to accompany us through the building. Yes, I led a contingent of an ambassador, an Israeli staff, and a capitol police officer through the building. Proud moment.
2. We passed our cleaning check.
3. I got to call every high school in Utah today to find out the capacity of their respective auditoriums. We're looking for town hall venues. I was surprised by how many school receptionists were reticent about giving such benign information. When I explained my purpose, however, most lightened up.
4. Our heater is working.
5. Tomorrow is Wednesday. Time flies when you're having fun.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Rainy Monday

Today it rained a lot.
Jason went to a conference on Latin America today and enjoyed it very much. He'll have to write about it sometime; I'm afraid I just won't do it justice.
Here he is with his signed copy of a book that one of the presenters wrote.
"In appreciation of your unquenchable interest in Mexico in particular and Latin America in general. Un fuerte abrazo (a big hug)."
Highlight of my day: I found out where Joe Biden works. His office is VERY nice.
That's about it for us today. Tomorrow we have cleaning checks, so it looks like it's going to be a fun day :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANNAH! It makes me feel old to have a little sister who is twenty.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Trip to the Capitol

Today we took our neighbors (The Holbeins) on a tour of the Capitol. I know we've already posted pictures of this glorious building, but here are more. I just think it's awesome!
We also ate at Good Eats again. This time, Jason and I indulged in a Milky Way shake. Wow! Best shake I have ever had. Anyone who comes to visit can partake of one with us sometime; I'm already looking for excuses to go back...
Anyway, here are todays pics. In Statuary Hall (a.k.a. The Old House Chamber) there are plaques marking the location of desks that belonged to Representatives who eventually became President (or who came back after being President, John Quincy Adams!).
Here is Abe Lincoln's plaque.
Statuary Hall.
A cool flag in a stairwell. This is the same stairwell that the President takes out to the West Portico when he gives his inaugural address.

Looking the other way up the same stairwell and into the rotunda. Every time I walk into the rotunda, I am in awe. It's an incredible place.

This is the Small Senate Rotunda. The chandelier is pretty stellar. There's a rumor floating around that it is from the Titanic or Phantom of the Opera, but neither are true. It hung in a church and a theatre before moving to the Capitol.
We stumbled upon this stained glass window in the House side corridors.
This is part of the ceiling of the House corridors. If you look closely, Hartford is identified on the map. I wonder who took this picture...What have you done this time, Jason?!The Brumidi Corridors. To see the Corridors, you usually have to go on a separate tour. It's fun to go on staff-led tours because you can sort of explore and spend as much time as you want in the different rooms. Great view out to the west.
I sure love the Capitol. I'm going to miss being able to spend time here!
It was a nice day. I think we're going to go to the grocery store now. We're also listening to the basketball game. I think BYU is going to beat Wyoming. Mariel: send me pictures from your dance!

Also: here is the Salt Lake Tribune article about the party we went to last night.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Rubbing Shoulders with Utah's Elite

We went to a reception this evening for Governor Herbert. He's in town for a governors conference, so Utahans in the D.C. area got together for a little soiree.
First of all, the party was in the Kennedy Caucus Room in the Russell building and it was just beautiful. We tried to get some good pictures, but they do not do justice to the room. It's stunning.
Governor Herbert said a few words and introduced Utah's Cherry Blossom Festival Princess. Who knew we even had a Cherry Blossom Princess?! Not me. I guess every state selects one, who then represents the state at the festival in April.
Here we are with Governor Herbert. After his remarks, we went up and talked to him for a few minutes. He was very nice; he asked about where we were from and how our internships were going. When he heard I was from Utah, he asked what my maiden name was. It turns out he knows my Uncle Derek!
Jason Chaffetz also spoke and we were able to talk with him afterward. He was also very friendly. I was very impressed with both of them.
The party was really really nice. There were servers walking around with trays of hors d'oeuvres (which were mighty tasty), a table of self-serve food, and a drink-pourer. Most of the servers were from Bolivia, so Jason got to speak to them in Spanish for a few minutes.
This picture is pretty blurry, but the guy at the podium is Governor Herbert and the guy with black hair and a blue tie is Jason Chaffetz. The only female: the Cherry Blossom Princess.
Here's the ceiling of the room. It's really high (Jason estimates thirty feet, and I agree) and is held up with gorgeous pillars. The Senate sure knows how to decorate.Here's what I get to see every night on my walk home. The picture makes the Capitol feel a little far away, but when you're there, it feels incredibly close. In real life, it's more blue than the picture makes it look; I love how the yellow light stands out against the night sky.
This is by the Russell building rotunda. When you see Senators being interviewed on the news, they are usually standing in this rotunda. It's very pretty.
Here's another view of the Russell rotunda.
Jason took this picture, which I think is awesome.

I can't figure out how to make this picture flip around (even though I already flipped it in iPhoto). Anyway, it is the glorious Gummy Tummies Penguins that Jason bought for me the other day. Yum! I think the penguins on the package are funny.
We aren't quite sure what we're up to tomorrow. I think we'll go to the Capitol with our neighbors so yours truly can practice Capitol tour-giving skills. We may hit a museum or two afterward. Adios!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's already Wednesday!

Today while walking to work, I passed a homeless man (at least, I assumed he was homeless) carrying a sign that said "Obama is a cannibal." What a city.
We both had good/long days at work today with not too much to report. We're working on our reading responses right now and then will perhaps listen to the BYU basketball game. Tonight we had navajo tacos and cornbread for dinner and Jason (who did the shopping this evening because he's just that great) bought me some gummy tummy penguin candy from Trader Joe's!!! They are delicious and (as promised) have gummy tummies!
Well, I think that's all for now!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's off to work we go...

...but first, a Connecticut recap.
On Sunday, we had an amazingly delicious breakfast, then went to church with the Frosts. Jason and I taught a YM/YW sunday school class. The girls were all delighted to discover that "The Sideburn Boy" had come back.
After church, we had famous Frost Beef Stew. Maureen, Fran, Grandma Funny, and Grandpa Bill all came over. It was so much fun to see everyone again. Grandma Funny is insisting that we come back for Easter--which we'd like to do, since this visit was such a blast--but we'll see...
Thanks again to Mom and Dad Frost for a great weekend! We had so much fun.
Here we are on Sunday evening.
Jason at the computer in the dining room.
The most amazing chair ever. It reclines but ALSO goes very high up.
Dad enjoying the Olympics. Maureen, Fran, Grandpa Bill, Jason and I in the den.More of the cool chair. Note Jason's maniacal expression.Jason getting a haircut. It looks great!
Grandma Funny!
The plane ride back on Monday was uneventful, though the airport was surprisingly busy for 5:00 a.m. Ironically, the train ride back to our house took longer than our travels from CT to BWI. Jason had a good nap when we got home (I embarrassingly-enough napped on the subway) and I went grocery shopping. We are sad to be home; the weekend was wonderful.
We returned to work this morning after an almost-two-week break (our last day of work before the storm was February 4!) and it turns out that we still remember how to do our jobs. Fortunately, we had a two-hour delayed start this morning, so we're easing back into our routine :) Tonight we're just hanging out/not writing our papers that are due on Friday.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Planes, trains, and automobiles

We left our house yesterday at 5:30 a.m. and took the subway (one train change) to Union Station. From there, we took the MARC train to BWI. It was amazing; at one point, ours was the only train on the board that hadn't been cancelled. Whew! We made it to BWI with plenty of time (read: 3 hours) to spare, so we had some breakfast and Jason took a wee nap. Our plane left right on time, and 45 minutes later we were in CT. It was a great flight, except for the very rough landing. The day was very clear, so we had a fantastic view of New York City as we flew over.
Grandpa Bill picked us up at the airport and took us to Suffield. We had delicious baked macaroni and cheese for lunch and spent some time with Grandma Funny and Grandpa Bill. Later, we went to East Harford. We went with Mom & Dad Frost to a concert in Andover, MA, last night, then came home and watched the Olympic opening ceremonies. I fell asleep before it ended, but I hear Wayne Gretzky lit the torch.
Jason went with Dad to a spinning class this morning which was...eventful. More on that later. I stayed home because I'm not feeling quite 100%; I have a little head cold, I think. We just had breakfast and are going to go to Carraba's for dinner. Jason's cousin Jen works there, so we'll get to see her before we leave.
More later! We are glad to have gotten here safely and are having a blast.

Friday, February 12, 2010

We're off!

We're leaving for the airport in forty minutes (yes, it is that early!) and will keep you posted as we arrive in Connecticut!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Day, pt. 4

Look! A road! We haven't seen one of those in a long time!

We just received word that tomorrow is a liberal leave/2 hour delay day for the Federal government. However, this means nothing for us since we usually have class on Fridays. We are still waiting to hear on whether or not our flight is canceled. BWI initially canceled all incoming and outgoing Southwest flights for Thursday, but later PM flights ended up getting through. Cross your fingers for us; we really don't want to miss a chance to see the Frosts.
We woke this morning to the sounds of a bobcat (I think this is a bobcat?) moving snow from the road. While I am not accustomed or inclined to be awakened in this fashion, I was nonetheless delighted to see that the road was being cleared. Only problem: now the sidewalks are covered/impassable.
I think it's interesting that they haul the snow away in big trucks; the Utahns I know would laugh at that prospect.

Chess update:
Jason 6
Amanda 3

Quick plane update: As of 9:19 p.m., our plane is scheduled to depart on time!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day, pt. 3

Look at the tiny person trudging through the snow in this photograph. He looks so small and alone in the abandoned city and treacherous weather.
Oh look! Upon closer inspection, it would appear that the shadowy figure is none other than Jason Frost, carrying pizza home to his loving (and hungry) wife. How heroic he must be to brave the elements--throwing caution to the wind--in the pursuit of nourishment!
In case you are wondering, we are having another snow day!
It began snowing again last night and is still at it this morning. According to the National Weather Service, we are experiencing blizzard conditions, with winds up to 50 mph and an additional 10-16" of snow. The postal service is now officially closed, but we're pretty sure we have not received new mail since last Saturday. We were really hoping to get our taxes done in CT, but unless my forms come tomorrow, we may not be able to.
This is the view out our window as of 10:00 a.m. The snow is higher now and more is stuck to the screen.
This is the view out the front door of the Barlow Center. The little corner you can see on the left side of the picture is the big granite "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" sign in front. As you can see, it has been completely covered by drifting snow. The street you are looking at here is Pennsylvania Avenue (also home to the Obama family).
Interesting tidbit of information: B on the following picture is where we live. A is where the Obamas live. It's about 1 mile from our house to their house. The east-west street at B and Pennsylvania is L street. The tiny M beneath Washington Circle is the Foggy Bottom Metro Station where we catch the subway.
This is L street. Just past the bus stop is Pennsylvania Avenue. As you can see, neither street has been plowed.
Here is the view from our front window.
Last night we watched Doubt on my parents' NetFlix. Perhaps my favorite part of browsing their account is seeing the genre recommendations based on films they have seen/enjoyed: witty British satire, French cerebral comedies of the 1960s...what a funny bunch.
I think probably be playing some more chess today...and tomorrow.

Work has officially been cancelled tomorrow. Temperatures should be in the high thirties, though, so hopefully some of this white stuff will melt and let us get out of town!
Click here to read some of the Washington Post info on the storm.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Day, pt. 2

So, we had another snow day today AND will be having another one tomorrow. Everything is still closed, so we've been pretty cloistered today. Since tomorrow is supposed to be even more grim outside than today, it will be interesting to see what we come up with to retain our sanity. Don't get me wrong; staying home from work is a blast. However, it would be more fun if we could actually go somewhere/do something.
We bought a chess set today from Barnes and Noble, so that kept us busy for a couple of hours. Current score: Jason 1, Amanda 2. We're going to be Grand Masters by the end of this week.
Jason took a video of the snow falling outside our window. It's short, but cool.
We are supposed to have another 10-16" between tonight and tomorrow. We'll see if the snow lives up to the hype.
Here is a video I recorded. I like to call it "Jason Vacuuming the Apartment Very Fast."